Welcome to EMS & ECAC media services
The EMS & ECAC events bring together some 600 actors of the meteorological, climate and related communities in Europe and beyond: from national weather and hydrological services, private service providers, academia and educational institutions, the media, and international organisations. These events serve as an annual forum fostering cross-fertilization and exchange.
The 16th EMS / 11th ECAC will take place 12–16 September 2016 in the Stazione Marittima Congress Centre Trieste, Italy.
The theme of the EMS & ECAC 2016 is Where atmosphere, sea and land meet: bridging between sciences, applications and stakeholders.
All components of the Earth system interact in the climate system: Sun, atmosphere, land, sea, cryosphere, and biosphere. Climate change and its impacts must therefore be studied and assessed by considering all these interacting components together. This will allow the various stakeholders, practitioners and decision makers – throughout their various levels and sectors of activities – to mitigate as far as possible future environmental change and to adapt where necessary.
Historically, many major centres of economic and cultural activity have developed in coastal areas (currently nearly 50% of Europe’s population live within 50 km of the coast). Therefore, safety, socio-economic impacts and infrastructure investment are particularly important in coastal areas. Key factors here are the changing atmospheric and oceanic circulation, sea level rise, floods, landslides and other extreme events.
The conference theme for 2016 explores these intertwined issues with special emphasis on sea–atmosphere–land interactions and transitions. Assessing and predicting the evolution of the environment and the related impacts will have to go hand-in-hand with improving risk assessment, preparedness and mitigation.
Registration (deadline 26 August 2016)
Accredited journalists and public information officers of scientific societies, educational institutions, or government agencies may register for the EMS & ECAC 2016 as members of the media free of charge. A business card must be presented. Freelance science writers must present a current membership card from EUSJA, NASW, NCSWA, CSWA, ISWA or SEJ or evidence of a by-lined science story published in 2015 or 2016. Scientists are not eligible for media registration.